Friday, June 15, 2007

And Flopsy's Glad Too....

Aren't you Flopsy?

I definitely love these Monty Python sketches....

Sunday, June 03, 2007

End of the Year Reflections

Wow. On Friday I finished my third year of high school. I still can't believe that I am done..... YAY!!! It has definitely been a memorable year. My third year in Latin, my first year of the Ryman program, "Dracula vs. the Lochness Monster with Ninjas," my first lead role at BYT as Mrs. Higgins, and last but not least, I finished my third and last year of Torrey Academy. I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for this program. It has changed me in so many ways. I have grown as a student (reading some of the greatest literature), as a person (learning to think and discuss articulately with my peers), and as a Christian (through contemplation of many of the texts and devotions). All three years have taught me so much in their own ways. For the last two years I have been privileged to have the same Torrey tutor, Mrs. Anderson. To you Mrs. Anderson, I just want to say thank you so much for all the knowledge and guidance you have given to all of your students. We will all dearly miss you. And to my class, Gabrielle, James, Christina, Kyle and Julia:

you guys have been so awesome and I am so grateful to have know you these last three years and I pray that as you go off to college that you continue to seek the Lord and His will for your lives. Thank you for all of the laughter and even the moments of heated disagreement :)
On Friday night our entire class attended the Torrey Banquet to celebrate our successful completion of the year. The student musicians were very good, MK and Kyle, you guys rock! and the food was actually pretty good (for banquet food). It was also a very exciting night. Both Julia and I won term paper awards! She won second place for the Faith of Our Fathers papers and then I won the "Aston Moffat Excellence in Scholarship" Award for my last term paper about the poet Petrarch. (in case you are wondering, Aston Moffat is a character from Charles Williams great work "Descent into Hell" who is a true scholar, compared with Wentworth, who could honestly care less about any sort of scholarship). It was so exciting and such an honor! I thought I was going to pass out I was so surprised. When they called my name I could barely believe it and I only moved from my seat once my fellow classmates began prodding me. :)
Thank you guys so much for everything. I will miss you.

W. Rabbit's House

For one of my final projects of the year was to build a themed miniature garden, so I chose Alice and Wonderland. At first I had planned to do an all-encompassing sort of Wonderland theme, but then I decided to narrow in my focus a little. I must say that the results were pretty awesome. I built both the box and the house (with some assistance) and then I painted the house and painstakingly thatched the roof with pine needles that my mother and I gathered from planters in front of our neighborhood Vons.

I also made the rabbit on the front porch. And I'm not sure if you can see it clearly in any of these photographs, but I added an arm in the window (Alice's). :) I'm really happy with how it turned out.