Friday, December 19, 2008

Where there's a whip, there's a way!

Okay. I know. I post a lot of youtube videos here. But there are so many horrifically wonderful things that I just cannot help sharing with you all. I promise to post something meaningful soon. But in the mean time.....
If my last post didn't scare the wits out of you, BEHOLD!!!! From the 1980 Rankin-Bass animated Return of the King, the orcs singing "Where there's a whip, there's a way":

Catchy, isn't it?! AUGHHHH!!!! It's been haunting Marisa and I for the last two days!!!! I think I'm slowly going insane... hahaHAHAHAffughejrngjefbvekbsibfhefihgejbfbbjjfvjdbkjbkjkkkkkkkkkkkkk............... woah. Alright, I'm back. ehehm. Seriously, go watch this whole movie. It follows the books pretty closely, but the music and the animation style are just plain frightening. So. Frightening. You'll understand once you watch it, but I nearly died when I read one comment about Denethor that said "And so we discover that Snowwhite's witch didn't really disappear.. she became Denethor." So as a bonus!!!!

Now you must watch the whole thing. You try to look away, but it calls your name... heehee.....


Blarney said...

You know, the Nazgul look kind of like a bunch of hairy Voldemorts on thestrals....:S And the Orcs resemble mutant chihuahuas!

Calvin said...

*Shivers* Animation....... SCARY!

Twinkle said...

Ha ha ha! We used to sing this as young children while doing chores and school. Only we substituted "Lady of the Lashes" to signify our mother. Heh.
By the by, this is Heather VW.