Saturday, May 10, 2008

Classic Movies

I have always loved classic films. I know I have said this in a previous post, but I guess I can't seem to say it enough. Whenever my sister and I would have the opportunity to go to the store and rent movies, we experienced an automatic magnetism towards the old Hollywood classics. Fred Astaire, Carry Grant, Gene Kelley, Judy Garland, Bob Hope were (and are) well worn and well loved names in our household. During this past year, I have begun to view more films considered by fans and film critics alike to be among the greatest movies of all time. I have also come into an appreciation of author and critic Roger Ebert. Besides being the only film critic to ever win the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism, he is an extremely well educated writer, who provides his audience with a tasteful mixture of wit, intellectualism and simplicity. He is able to captivate the reader and broaden their understanding and appreciation of film, without insulting them by sounding snobby. For my mother, who loves to watch these films with me, for you, dear reader, that you may captivated by these amazing films and by the essays of Ebert, I have posted only a few clips from among many iconic classics. Enjoy!

Sunset Boulevard:

The Third Man:

The Night of the Hunter:

A Hard Day's Night:


Jane Elizabeth said...

"Give us a kiss!"

Oh John.