Monday, January 29, 2007


Oh man, yesterday I had a voice recital and I cannot tell you how nervous I was! I usually do not get nervous about performing in front of others, including when I'm performing in plays (although for Torrey I was nervous about my presentation, but perhaps that was because I was presenting an argument that I created and that my teacher and/or peers could rip apart at any moment) but for some reason I was so freaked out. However once I actually go up to the microphone to sing, all of the butterflies in my stomach suddenly disappeared and I actually had fun! *sigh* I was so happy though once I was done. I felt like I did very well and my voice teacher, my parents, and many other people in attendance said I did a good job, so I'm happy. It was also a pleasure to hear all of the other singers who did phenomenal jobs. Huzzah! Anywhoo, I went to Mater Dei on Saturday to take the SAT tests. Again, I was rather nervous, but this was partially due to the fact that 1) I was taking the SATs, 2) that it was an entirely new campus to me and I had no idea where I was supposed to be (especially since they were having another gathering on the campus, so I followed a large crowd hoping that they were taking the SATs, only to find out a little later that I was in the wrong place *sigh*). At least the atmosphere at Mater Dei was nicer than when I took the SATs at a nearby public high school where every other word was a curse or where there were obscene things written on the desk I was sitting at...yeah....well, I am in the midst of writing a poem so hopefully I will have that to post sometime soon! :)


Jane Elizabeth said...

Mater Dei... psaw.
