Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pushing of the Daisies

Last year, thanks to the promptings of a good friend, I discovered the magic of the television show Pushing Daisies. It is a truly magical series, filling your heart with beauty, warmth, love, and a delicious cherry filling. The show centers around one sad and lonely young man, Ned (played by the ridiculously adorable Lee Pace, who is also in my current favorite movie The Fall), who discovers at a young age that he has the power to bring dead things back to life. However, he also discovers that once he brings that dead thing back to life, he can only let it live for one minute or some other living thing in the near vicinity must die in its place. Also, if he ever touches the resurrected thing again, it would die forever, never to be brought back. He teams up with private investigator Emerson Cod who has discovered Ned's secret, and they solve murders by resurrecting the victims for one minute in order to get clues or identifications. The real plot twist comes in when Ned's childhood sweetheart, Chuck (or Charlotte Charles) has been murdered and he chooses to resurrect her for more than a minute, essentially giving her a second chance at life. The only thing is... they can't touch, otherwise he will have killed love of his life! Augh!

But cute-ness ensues. :)

Besides the witty writing, and the endearing characters, the visual aspects of this show are astounding. Every episode is filled with "Tim Burton-esque" aesthetics that give the audience a sense of wonder and playfulness. I highly recommend borrowing or buying the first season (though it was cut prematurely short by the writer's strike) and watching the second season on Wednesdays at 8pm on ABC. While its still on in any case. I just saw on the news that ABC has cut this show from their lineup next year. After the current season, Pushing Daisies will be gone. Finito. Good-bye-o. Adios. Sayonara. I am severely distressed. This show is a breath of fresh air amongst the otherwise toxic waste dump known as TV programming. GRRRR!!!!! I am... just.... so sad...


Anonymous said...


Gabriel said...

sniffles. GAHHHH!!! They're planning to finish up the storyline in comic book form. A movie like Serenity maybe?